IT'S FINALLY HERE! I have been waiting anxiously for any college acceptance letter to come in the mail and I just received my very first one from the University in Alabama! I can't explain to you the relief it gave me when I got it, just knowing that a college has accepted me is a great feeling!
The weird thing was that I thought I would know exactly when the acceptance letters would be here and what they looked like. In my mind it was suppose to be this big event with me opening the envelope or I thought I would be too nervous too and I would hand it over to my parents. But tonight that is not what happened at all actually.
I had just gotten the mail tonight and there was a ton of it. I just threw it all on the counter and didn't even bother to look through it, except to get my Glamour and People magazines of course. My mom was going through it and said, "Katie, look here!" She suddenly got nervous because there were two envelopes. I was not thinking anything of it and just opened it, and it was about an Alabama online account. I then reassured my mom that it wasn't anything important. I then ripped open the second envelope and there it was, my acceptance letter just the way I thought it would look. I looked over at my mom with a huge smile and started screaming! She came over and gave me a big hug, we were both so, so happy and relieved.
She then told me to call my dad, who was still at work. I called him screaming and he was so happy too! I then called all of my grandparents to tell them that I had gotten my first college acceptance letter. This turned out to be a great night and it was all so unexpected!
So to all the seniors who are still waiting to hear back from colleges, do not worry! I thought I was the only one out there who had not been accepted but it takes time, a lot of time....! But to me it was worth the while, well at least since I got accepted ;)
Have a great night,
Katie :)
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