Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ah, what kind of college?

It seems like a simple answer, but yet it is so hard to answer. This question can mean so many different things to different people. Like, do you want to go to a big or small college? A christian college? A major university? A college out of state? A college that has the best education program? etc. etc. etc. 

To me what kind of college I want to go to means do I want to go to a small college and then transfer into a larger university? Or am I even ready to go to a major university? Am I ready to live out of state? The list goes on and on. As for as a college with the best accounting program or education program or whatever program, that does not concern me because I have not declared a major yet, which in fact scares me. 

My major question is, can I handle a large university like Auburn, Georgia, or Alabama? All three of these schools have some where between 20,000 to 30,000 students. And I would love to go to any one of these 3 colleges. I am just scared to dive right into one of these universities because of all the changes. I am coming from a small private christian school with about 110 students in my grade. So jumping from 110 students to 20,000 is very scary and overwhelming to me as well, among other things.  

This is just one more stress that comes along with the decisions about senior year! Like I said senior year is no walk in the park, I am learning that throughout this whole process! 

Have a great weekend, 


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