Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another Crazy, Stressful Day....

In my blog, there will probably be some positive happy posts and some negative, unhappy posts. Like I said in my previous posts, I am going to write about what I have been stressing out about since the beginning of this year which started August 9, 2010. 

Senior year, has been by far a very very stressful year for me. There are just SO many things that are thrown at us from day 1. I was not expecting this at all either! The thing about it is, these decisions are all extremely important and they are also decisions that effect your life because, college is the starting point of your life in a way. Or at least that is how I am taking it, I feel this extreme amount of pressure and it is hard to deal with it this early in the year, it truly caught me off guard....

I am really hoping that this year's pressures and stresses calm down, I feel like all the seniors could use a little bit of it personally! 

Until the next time! 

And seniors this year? visit this website for some help :)


  1. Your link is not activated. Ask someone nearby for help or come by and see me.

    I agree that you guys are under a lot of stress. Hang in there - it will get better.

  2. One more thing - when adding a link, give your readers a heads up as to what it is sending them to.
